Logo Kanton St.Gallen

In close cooperation with key partners we are active in area development for companies in the manufacturing and services sectors in the Canton of St.Gallen. Our "Toolbox" is an indispensable instrument that helps us to identify, ready and provide the most suitable areas.

Systematic Management of Available Listings

We strive to provide a sufficient quantity of available areas and development options for companies. To achieve this goal we engage in close collaboration with municipalities and other agencies of the cantonal administration, and we rely on a systematic process to make the best use of the instruments at our disposal possible. To do so, we have developed a "Toolbox", a development zone management system that is designed as follows: 

Toolbox: Our instruments at a glance (in German)

Our Services


  • Organization and implementation of area development projects
  • Location / Area Potential Analysis
  • Calculation of economic viability and profitability (areas, projects)
  • Prioritization of work areas according to local and structural planning constraints
  • Search of and introduction to investors
  • Support and consulting for planned projects and permits (assessment and clarification of planning conflicts etc.)

Noch offene Fragen?

Markus Schmid


Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
Davidstrasse 35
9001 St.Gallen