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You’re about to launch your own start-up or in need of support for your young enterprise? Then you may want to familiarize yourself with the benefits offered by the following initiatives and events.

Start-up Forum an der Olma

Our Partners are Here to Support You

Have you spelled out your own business idea and are ready to implement it? Are you looking for support with founding your company? Or you require suitable rental space for your tech start-up? Our partners will gladly lend you a hand and find the perfect solution.

Events and Training Courses

Attendance at one of our partner events will boost your understanding of what it takes to successfully launch and build your own business. How do I develop and fine tune my business idea? What are the full requirements to launch my company? How can I achieve sustainable and successful growth of my start-up?

  • Start Summit
  • Start-up Forum during Olma and Rhema trade fairs
  • The IFJ Basics for Launching your Start-up
  • Startfeld Entrepreneur Training
  • Innosuisse Start-up Training

Investor Networks and Financing

Access to investors and business angels is a critical factor for success not only for start-ups, but for existing companies as well. We can introduce you to a range of possible Partners:

Noch offene Fragen?

Silvan Fuchs


Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
Davidstrasse 35
9001 St.Gallen